
And a little bit about work
Artem Hiruk

Hi, my name is Artem Hiruk, and I am a frontend developer. I've been working in web development since 2018. Since 2019 I'm doing full-fledged layout of websites. Since mid-2020, I was involved in the development of an international logistics project in Vue.js.

And now more details about my professional activities.

My internship and first steps Web-developer December 2018 - July 2019

For the first half year of my professional life, I was a website maintainer. That's how I got to know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and I managed to feel a few frameworks: vue.js, react.js and symfony3.

Asabix Front-end developer September 2019 - November 2021

Working for a new company divided me into two phases.

The first year I was developing HTML layouts of sites of varying size and complexity. E-shops, landing pages, corporate and advertising sites. I also developed for CMS and worked with backend developer. My scope of work was mainly HTML, CSS, JS, AJAX.

In the middle of summer started the second phase - a little react.js, a lot of vue.js. The following year I was involved in developing a large-scale project in the vue.js and laravel stack. I got tasks from creating HTML layout of components and most pages to working directly with API and Vuex.